Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Some Missouri twisties and arriving home

The big rain that was supposed to come over night got stalled. When we woke up we checked the weather and the storm was just around the corner. By the time we tore down the tent it was already sprinkling. We grabbed a few items and ran for the bathroom. Within minutes it was pouring.

A huge storm passing over the camp ground in the early morning delayed our departure

Hidding in the bathroom to avoid the rain

Fog hovering over the water after the storm had passed

63 to 19 to I-44

We took 19 all the way from the Arkansas state line to I-44. This is a great road, not a lot of traffic but lots of hills and twists.

I've been on this road before and it's still my favorite road for sport-touring. It's curvy enough but not too much, so you can still make pretty good time on it.

19 started with many hills

And many sweepers

Flossie's Apple Barrel on 19 in Winona, MO

We got here between breakfast amd lunch, the place was empty

Apples on the curtains, how cute

Late breakfast, French toast for me and a biscuit with sausage and egg for Mike

The best part of 19 is between Eminence and Timber

Raining again

The storm had moved out of the area, but about two hours later we found another storm. The rain continued for at least an hour and a half. We took off our rain gear just before jumping on I-44, it was just too hot and muggy. The rain had stopped for now but just before St. Louis we had to pull over again and put the rain gear back on. Not only was it raining now, but it was cold. In one hour the temperature went from 80 to 60 degrees. The rain stopped in the Illinois abut the cold temperatures continued. The temps were only in the low 50’s during the day, then at night they dropped in to the high 40’s. It was also very windy.

A bridge on 19

There is only one Jack In The Box restaurant on I-55 in Illinois, I have always wanted to stop there to eat but usually when I pass it I’m not hungry, but today as we were looking to stop and eat somewhere I remembered the Jack In The Box restaurant.

The Gerbings heated liners kept us warm on this cold, windy and cloudy day. But after a few hours of the cold, we did need to stop at a McDonalds for some hot coffee. We arrived home late, just before midnight. This was a great trip, with great roads, even though it did rain a lot.

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